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Senior @ Dartmouth

Research @ Dartmouth Trust Lab

Production Lead @ DALI

Bassist @ Bellboy Elroy

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I'm researching CPU architecture and hardware-level security for my thesis under Sean Smith in the Dartmouth Trust Lab.
My current work is on a defense against cache sidechannels using cache replacement policies.

I just applied for PhD applications!
I'm hoping to specialize in computer architecture for security and speed.

I'm also working as a Lovelace scholar on a research project with Dartmouth PhD students. We're making an assembly sanitizer for security in high-performance libraries and formal verification.

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Accepted to the Dartmouth Lovelace Research Scholarship


"SIEVE Eviction in the CPU" poster presented at the MIT URTC conference

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"[He's] gnarly rad shredding in my eyes"
–Macy Toppan

"I like your moxie, kid."
–Ben Sontag

"He'd be a great PhD student... I think you should hire him"
–Rishav, but wearing groucho glasses